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Customized 90 Day Action Plan with Weekly One-on-One Implementation Calls with TIMTA.


Every plan is designed to cater to your real estate goals.


$6,000 to enroll and $250 a month.


Day one we determine if you want to grow and scale a wholesaling business, rental company, fix and flip business, short term rental business or all 4 in one!


During this time we help guide you through generating motived seller leads, analyzing deals and locking them up.


Mentorship includes:

- A year of weekly coaching calls

- Access to all meetups and in-person events TIMTA host during mentiorship period

- Access to google drive

- access to private facebook group

- Sawands Transactional Funding for double closes

- Access to All TIMTA Academy Courses


Get Someone Esle to pay for your training HERE



90 Day Mentorship

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